High-Gloss Finish: Cleanpoxy 3100 is your secret to achieving a stunning, high-gloss finish that enhances the aesthetic appeal of your surfaces, leaving a lasting impression.
Exceptional Durability: This top coat is engineered to withstand the test of time. It forms a protective shield that offers enhance protection against stains, chemical spills, abrasions, UV damage, moisture, and the rigors of daily use, ensuring longevity.
Solvent-Based Efficiency: The solvent-based formulation ensures efficient coverage application and rapid drying, allowing you to complete your projects while staying under budget.
Versatile Application: Whether it’s concrete, wood, metal, or other surfaces, Cleanpoxy 3100 adapts to your needs, making it suitable for both residential and commercial projects.
Slim Floor Profile: A key advantage of using solvent based epoxy is the reduced profile, as the epoxy sets it reduces in size, leaving behind a slim yet strong surface.